76 | Multi-Site Dairy Management: Purchase, lease or let it pass by? with Curtis Gerrits, Compeer Financial

Before you take on that second dairy site, there are four key areas to consider that can make or break the long-term viability and profitability of this decision.

Curtis Gerrits, Senior Dairy Lending Specialist from Compeer Financial, is having these conversations on the regular, and he is going to walk us through these four critical areas and leave you with greater insights for your own decision-making on whether to purchase, lease, or pass up an opportunity to take on a satellite dairy site.

Listen to this episode with Curtis Gerrits and Compeer Financial

About Compeer Financial

Compeer Financial is a member-owned Farm Credit cooperative serving and supporting agriculture and rural America. Our dairy team brings world-class expertise and tailored solutions to support dairy producers’ financial goals and lending needs.

For more information, contact the Compeer Dairy Industry Experts .

Disclosure: Curtis Gerrits and his family hold a partial ownership stake in Breeze Dairy Group. Compeer Financial is an equal opportunity employer and provide, and an equal credit opportunity lender.

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


Uplevel Dairy Young Leaders featuring Alex Gambonini, HighGround Dairy


75 | Conversando con Líderes Lecheros (Conversations with Dairy Leaders) con Juan Quezada, Milk Source, y Elsie Gonzalez Leach, Motiva Dairy Consulting