75 | Conversando con Líderes Lecheros (Conversations with Dairy Leaders) con Juan Quezada, Milk Source, y Elsie Gonzalez Leach, Motiva Dairy Consulting

La presentadora invitada Elsie González Leach de Motiva Dairy Consulting se sienta con Juan Quezada de Milk Source para hablar sobre su trayectoria profesional, desde sus inicios como ordeñador hasta 25 años después, liderando a 650 personas como director de capacitación y desarrollo de la operación láctea. Descubra cómo comparte sus conocimientos para ayudar a otros a alcanzar su propio éxito y creer en lo que es posible para usted.

Suscríbase a Motiva Dairy Consulting en YouTube para ver esta entrevista y más recursos en español sobre capacitación y desarrollo de liderazgo en el sector lechero:

Guest host Elsie Gonzalez Leach from Motiva Dairy Consulting sits down with Juan Quezada from Milk Source to talk about his career journey, from starting as a milker to 25 years later, leading 650 people as director of training and development for the dairy operation. Find out how he shares his knowledge to help others achieve their own success and believe in what is possible for you.

Subscribe to Motiva Dairy Consulting on YouTube for this interview and more Spanish resources on dairy leadership training and development. Plus you will want to hit “subscribe” on Elsie’s new Motiva Dairy Consulting channel on YouTube, where you will find free resources in Spanish for dairy training and leadership development and more high-impact “Conversations with Dairy Leaders” to come!

Subscribe to Motiva Dairy Consulting on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MotivaDairyConsulting

Learn more at https://www.motivadairy.com/

Listen to this episode with Juan Quezada from Milk Source, LLC

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


76 | Multi-Site Dairy Management: Purchase, lease or let it pass by? with Curtis Gerrits, Compeer Financial


74 | 5 Principles of Leadership with Juan Quezada, Director of Training and Development, Milk Source LLC