50 | 9 Years Without a No-Call, No-Show Employee with Brett Barlass
You may already be doing annual employee reviews … but are you actually using them to drive employee engagement?
And maybe you hold monthly employee meetings … but are they actually helping you to get buy-in and build team camaraderie to move toward your goals?
Or are you just checking the boxes with more meetings that take up your time and space on your calendar?
We’re revisiting highlights from Ep. 20 - one of the top episodes from season 1 of the Uplevel Dairy Podcast, where dairy manager Brett Barlass from California Dairy Farms, breaks down how he went a stretch of 9 years without a no-call, no-show employee while managing Yosemite Jerseys.
You are about to find out how he’s doing it, and how you too can use reviews and meetings to actually get employees excited to come to work and want to continue to be a long-term high performing team member, so listen in to learn:
Brett’s key questions for annual employee reviews
How he structured monthly meetings that no employee wanted to miss
The every-day actions that managers can take to build a high-performing team
This episode is sponsored by Uplevel Dairy Podcast Founding Partner Adisseo, a global leader in nutritional solutions and premier provider of rumen-protected methionine for dairy producers who want to optimize milk production, capture more value from components, and maintain the health of their high-performing herds.
Listen to this episode with Brett Barlass
Episode Sponsor: Adisseo
This episode is sponsored by Uplevel Dairy Podcast Founding Partner Adisseo, a global leader in nutritional solutions and premier provider of rumen-protected methionine for dairy producers who want to optimize milk production, capture more value from components, and maintain the health of their high-performing herds. Learn more at https://www.adisseo.com/en/.
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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com