51 | Creating a MOO'V-ment with his own Milk Featuring TJ Tuls, Founder of DARI LLC
If you are a dairy producer who has been thinking about taking your milk all the way to the dairy case yourself, this episode is for you. Vertical integration is on the minds of many forward-thinking dairy farmers. And that's why today you are going to hear from a dairyman who is doing it on the Uplevel Dairy podcast.
I recently sat down with TJ Tuls, a fourth-generation dairyman and founder of DARI LLC, the company that has created the milk beverage MOO’V.
Find out how becoming a dad is what inspired him to want to transform the milk-drinking experience for his son and his wife. It gave him the vision for creating lifelong milk consumers by bringing to the marketplace a new milk beverage to a dairy case near you.
This episode is sponsored by Heritage Vet Partners, the nation's leading veterinary partnership that is revolutionizing the way veterinarians serve the most progressive and forward-thinking dairy farm clients across the country.
Through a new model of providing exceptional service, consultation, products, and supplies. Stick around to the end of this episode to hear straight from Dr. David Gnad, CEO of Heritage Vet Partners.
What you’ll learn:
The story of MOO’V
The hurdles that TJ overcame including finding a milk processor
Product formulation and development
How to get shelf space in the dairy case
Learn more about MOO’V & DARI here: https://realdari.com/ or connect with them on your favorite social media platform
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MOOVREALMILK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moovrealmilk/
Listen to this episode with TJ Tuls, Founder of DARI & MOO’V
Thanks to our Sponsor: Heritage Vet Partners
Heritage Vet Partners is the nation’s leading veterinary partnership specializing in mixed/large animal practices. They believe there is great value in the legacy, customer relationships, brand, culture, and team that you have built. Their goal is to provide services and support around the foundation you have developed. Most importantly, they believe that tit takes a community to best meet the changing needs of the customers and industries that we serve.
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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com