It’s time to unwrap your gifts.
006 | Pass the Potatoes, Not the Punches: A Holiday Survival Guide for Family Businesses - Jay Joy
What are you bringing to Christmas dinner?
There’s a good chance a list is going around your family right now. You know, that one where everybody signs up for what they are bringing to Christmas dinner.
But what else are you bringing to dinner this year?
005 | From Milker to Manager: How to Identify and Empower High-Potential with Daniel “Omar” Guerrero
Which kid in your parlor is your next business partner?
004 | The Mindset of a High-Performing Manager with Scott Blevins
Strong mind. Strong body. Strong faith.
003 | The Cost of Money Has Doubled: Now What? with Jay Joy
5 Principles to Recession-Proof Your Dairy Farming Business
What are the most forward-thinking dairy producers doing right now to minimize their risks and position themselves for the future?
In Episode #2 of the Uplevel Dairy Podcast, Jay Joy with Bridgeforth LLP, looks ahead into an uncertain 2023 with a handful of principles to recession-proof your dairy farming business.
002 | The Two Words that Will Get Employees to Care Today - Tom Wall
Doing God’s work through dairy
001 | Zero Employee Turnover, How This Herd Manager Does it at Rosendale Dairy
Hungry. Humble. Smart.
In three words, how do you want to show up each day?