013 | Transition Planning: Start with this one Question today with Jay Joy

Talking about family farm transition planning can be tough. It’s hard to know where to even start. Jay Joy from Bridgeforth LLP breaks it down with the one question you can ask yourself and your family today to start the conversation about the transition of assets as well as management responsibilities for family businesses.

What you’ll learn:

  • The difference between ownership transition vs. management succession

  • The one question to start the conversation

  • Key points to consider for business ownership transition

  • Key points to consider for the transition of management responsibilities

Contact Jay

  • http://www.Bridgeforthllp.com

  • jay@bridgeforthllp.com

  • 785-275-2772

Listen to this episode with Jay Joy on Transition Planning

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


Transition Planning: Start today with this question


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