143 | Sitting on the Showbox with Tim Abbott 

Often here on the Uplevel Dairy Podcast, we talk about business, management, and challenges that dairy producers are overcoming every day, but today, we’re taking a little turn down a different path, to a side of the dairy business that’s built upon pedigrees that are deeper than the valleys of northern Vermont, carefully curated cow families and spirited competition, and our guide on this journey is a man who has dedicated his career to developing and marketing dairy cattle genetics - who took a risk to leave the comfort of the corporate world in order to step into a vision for a niche business with elite genetics, and to redefine what it means to sell, show, market and breed great cows.  

From St. Jacobs to Showbox Sires to the Music City Celebration, and not to mention a “voice” on the Dairy Voice Podcast, this is a story of passion, entrepreneurship, mentorship, and going all in with Tim Abbott, right here today on the Uplevel Dairy Podcast.

Get ready to laugh, cry, and think with Tim Abbott.

Listen to the full episode with Tim Abbott Below!

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


144 | Trillium Hill Dairy: Reclaiming Sand & Capturing Biogas


142 | How to Bullet-Proof Your Balance Sheet with Lynn Paulson