191 | Put Your ‘Why’ into Words with Jared Kurtz, Kurtland Farms
Meet fourth-generation Pennsylvania dairyman Jared Kurtz, and listen alongside as I help him put his “why” into words.
I’ll be opening the morning session of the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit on Feb. 5, with a conversation inspired by the book “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Simek.
Get a preview here as find out Jared’s “why” - why he chose to come back to the dairy after seeking to get away from it, why he and his wife wanted farm life for their six children, why the transition planning has been challenging but worth it, why he takes his responsibility seriously to engage with his community and educate others about their farming practices, and why he believes his farm serves a greater purpose.
Register for the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit here: https://loom.ly/JIhlVX0
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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com