137 | 90 Days to Find a New Bank with Pauly Paul

Dairy management consultant Pauly Paul has been getting more calls than ever from dairy farmers facing this challenge:

They just received notice from their bank that they have 90 days to find a new lender, and they don’t know what to do.

Whether you are in this situation yourself, or you want to position yourself to stay out of it, Pauly is here today to walk you through the action steps he is helping producers take to put together a plan and walk them through financially trying times.

This episode is brought to you by: HighGround Dairy provides global dairy market intelligence, insurance services, futures & options brokerage, and advisory programs to a diverse range of dairy market participants throughout the supply chain.

Learn more at ⁠https://highgrounddairy.com/⁠ or email them at info@highgrounddairy.com

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


138 | There’s a Storm Brewing in the Grain Markets: HighGround Dairy July Monthly Market Update


136 | Family Farm Transition: Setting Up for Success