89 | HighGround Dairy February Monthly Market Update: Record-Low Heifer Inventories, Record-High Credit Card Debt and New Crop Projections

Today’s big question: With heifer inventories at historic lows and global milk production trending lower in 2024, we seem to be poised for better milk prices compared to 2023, so what's your action plan to capitalize on this opportunity?

If this question has you thinking, you’ve come to the right place, because Curtis Bosma is joining us for the HighGround Dairy Monthly Market Update.

In this episode, hear more about:

  • The supply update for heifer inventory & global milk production

  • The demand update for milk spot basis, credit card debt & milk fat

  • New crop balance sheets for corn and soybeans

This episode is brought to you by HighGround Dairy

HighGround Dairy provides global dairy market intelligence, insurance services, futures & options brokerage, and advisory programs to a diverse range of dairy market participants throughout the supply chain.

Curtis Bosma is vice president of producer services for HighGround Dairy. You can download your own producer market update here: ⁠https://www.highgrounddairy.com/comprehensive-gdt-auction-analysis-20-february-2024/

Listen to this episode with Curtis Bosma from HighGround Dairy

About HighGround Dairy

This episode is brought to you by HighGround Dairy provides global dairy market intelligence, insurance services, futures & options brokerage, and advisory programs to a diverse range of dairy market participants throughout the supply chain.

Learn more at ⁠https://highgrounddairy.com/⁠ or email them at info@highgrounddairy.com

Please note: Information shared in this podcast is for educational purposes and is not a solicitation to buy or sell commodities. Opinions expressed are current opinions as of February. 19, 2024, 11 a.m, and only represent the views of the speaker and not those of HighGround Trading, unless otherwise expressly noted.

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


90 | Young Leader Madison Busse, United Dairies, Alexandria, Minnesota


88 | 3 Steps to Set Up Middle Managers for Success + the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Meeting with Clint Al-Ag