78 | Meet Our Monthly Dairy Markets Insider: Curtis Bosma, HighGround Dairy

We’ve got an exciting new addition to the Uplevel Dairy Podcast … a monthly market update to empower you to make informed decisions for your dairy farming business, brought to you by HighGround Dairy.

On this episode, we sit down to get to know Curtis Bosma, vice president of producer services for HighGround Dairy, to learn more about his mission to take the stress out of understanding markets and provide you with the tools to protect your dairy business’s profitability.

Find out:

  • How Curtis got mud on his boots growing up on dairies in California and the Midwest

  • Cutting his teeth in trading at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

  • His drive, strategy and outlooks, personally and professionally

You can look forward to Curtis’s January update on our next episode, including market movements, commodity inventories and the big three factors influencing your next milk check.

Listen to this episode with Curtis Bosma from HighGround Dairy

About HighGround Dairy

This episode is brought to you by HighGround Dairy provides global dairy market intelligence, insurance services, futures & options brokerage, and advisory programs to a diverse range of dairy market participants throughout the supply chain.

Learn more at ⁠https://highgrounddairy.com/⁠ or email them at info@highgrounddairy.com

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


79 | HighGround Dairy January Monthly Market Update


Uplevel Dairy Young Leaders featuring Alex Gambonini, HighGround Dairy