85 | 3 Keys to Maximize Profit and ROI from Your People Featuring Dr. Robert Hagevoort, New Mexico State University Extension

Any dairy producer will tell you, a good employee is worth every dollar. But every two weeks, when pay day comes around, do you ever wonder if you are getting the most out of your investment? What if it didn't have to cost you a penny more to maximize the efforts and outcomes of every hour you are paying that employee to be at your dairy? 

Our guest today spends a lot of his time improving training, safety and development of the dairy workforce. Dr. Robert Hagevoort, with New Mexico State University Extension, joins us to talk about three things he sees high-performing dairy operations doing to increase employee engagement, retention and performance. 

Hear about:

  • The reason your trainings in Spanish may be failing

  • How to optimize daily performance

  • What the best dairies are doing to get the right people in the right seats on the bus

See details below on the High Plains Dairy Conference!

Listen to this episode with Dr. Robert Hagevoort on how to Maximize Profit and ROI from Your People

This Episode is Brought to you by the High Plains Dairy Conference

To view agenda and register for the High Plains Dairy Conference: https://hpdc.regfox.com/2024-high-plains-dairy-conference

Contact Dr. Robert Hagevoort

  • dairydoc@highplainsdairy.org 

  • (806) 786-3421

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


86 | Join Us for the Premier Dairy Event of the High Plains: 2024 High Plains Dairy Conference


84 | Precision Nutrition and Sustainable Dairy Production: A Conversation with Dr. Mike Van Amburgh