124 | How Milk is Winning New Consumers with Wellness 

We’re celebrating June Dairy Month in a big way as STtalks and the Uplevel Dairy Podcast collaborate to bring you a 6-part series that shines a bright light on a collection of great dairy stories. Hosts Laura Demmer of STtalks and Peggy Coffeen of Uplevel Dairy give you the sneak peek on this collection of conversations with dairy farmers doing great things and others who are championing dairy products in the marketplace.

Welcome to Part 3 in this special series for June Dairy Month!

Milk has a whole new story to tell. Eve Pollet, senior vice president of strategic intelligence at Dairy Managment Inc. (DMI)  joins us to share the consumer trends that are creating a hunger for health and wellness solutions, the emerging research around milk’s super-food characteristics and how she and her team are positioning dairy to capture more dollars in the marketplace and add more value back to the dairy farmer. 

Listen to this Episode with Eve Pollet

This Episode is Brought to you in Collaboration with STtalks and STgenetics

Connect with STtalk to follow along in this six part series below!

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


125 | From Flatline to Finish-line; Marathons, Milk & Mindset


123 | Bar 20 Dairy Capturing the Power of Sustainability