133 | Olympic-Level Dairy Farming: with Ellie and Jamie St. Pierre

It’s July 4, Independence Day, and if you’ve been following the US Olympic trials, you may know that one of our own – a dairy farmer – has made TEAM USA once again.

Ellie Purrier St. Pierre who grew up on a Vermont dairy farm, clenched her spot last week in the 5000 m race and will be heading to Paris later this month. 

But Ellie is so much more than an athlete. Working alongside her husband Jamie, she lives and breathes dairy farming as much as she does running, and together, the couple support each other’s dreams. 

On one of our very first episodes of the Uplevel Dairy Podcast, I sat down with both Ellie and Jamie to talk about dairy farming, competing and the mindset of an Olympian.

Even if you heard it before, it’s worth a listen once again.  Enjoy this conversation with Ellie and Jamie.

Listen to this episode with Ellie & Jamie St. Pierre

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


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132 | Laurie Fischer: Lobbyist, Leader and Dairy Cares of Wisconsin