151 | Mindset Mini-Series: My 5 Hot Takes from “The Confident Mind”

Mindset Mini-Series: This week on Uplevel Dairy Podcast, we’re bringing back a few of your favorite conversations from top performers in the dairy business. 

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

If you are someone who is looking to gain confidence for yourself or help build confidence in people you manage or coach, or maybe even the kids you are raising, there are some nuggets in this book that I believe you will find valuable and useful. And that’s why I’m sharing with you on this bonus Uplevel Dairy Podcast today the cliff notes and my own key takeaways from the book, The Confident Mind by Nate Zinsser.

This book was suggested to me by Clare Alderink, he really found value in it as he prepared for his marathons, and I picked it up and not only found that it helped me personally but has been an excellent teaching tool, as a marathon runner, a mom and a coach in my favorite competitive sport: Dairy Quiz Bowl. 

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


152 | Young Leader: Brianna Meyer


150 | Mindset Mini-Series: Jerome Meyer: Fighting Cancer, Finding Purpose and the Power of a Positive Mindset