Six dairy friends and their “one word” for 2023
Are you in goal-setting mode right now?
Here's one thing that helps me:
Surround yourself with people who seek excellence in all they do, both personally and professionally.
We can't always be in the same room, but on this week's Uplevel Dairy Podcast, it was my goal to create that experience for you by inviting a group of peers who inspire me and sharing their words, visions and action plans with you.
Here's a sneak peek at what they had to say:
Jared Yousey, Sunnyside Farms, New York
One word: GRATI-TUITY (Gratitude + Opportunity)
"It all starts with gratitude, but that provides the pathway to opportunity for everyone, once you appreciate others and you're really vested in the success of people at the end of the day."
Jessica Pralle-Trimner, Miltrim Farms, Wisconsin
One word: FORWARD
"For us and also for our team, so we've been working heavily on efficiency to get our tasks lined up so we can get more done in a short amount of time, and then get home and enjoy the people that matter most, which is our families."
Travis Speirs, Shiloh Dairy, Wisconsin
"It's the opportunity to be to continue to grow and push yourself and take full advantage of whatever might come your way."
Katie DiGangi, Zoetis/Darlington Ridge Dairy, Wisconsin
One word: PRESENT
"I want to be present every day. I want to be in the moment when I'm in the moment ... wherever I am I want to be all there."
Tera Baker, Nedap, Michigan
One word: BUILD
"I think more importantly for me to be successful in building, it's building my tribe and building the people around me."
Eliza Ruzic, Zinpro, Wisconsin
"Perseverance will definitely come into play and help me stay on the path of not giving up and and really remembering why I'm doing what I'm doing every day."
I've picked a word for 2023 too: TRUTH.
It's the guiding word for Uplevel Dairy - to see a greater purpose, a deeper truth in all that I do to serve you well. It's getting honest with myself about my growth areas and what it takes to up level myself in order to meet you where you are at. I pulled this quote from the book "High-Performance Habits" and wrote it on a hot pink sticky note as my daily reminder:
"Your next level of performance begins in your next level of truth."
What's your one word for 2023?