99 | How a Texas Dairy Beats the Heat to Hit 55% Conception Rate 

Welcome to central Texas, where summer days exceed 100 degrees and heat stress is one of the greatest threats to cow health, reproduction and performance. 

But since adding monitoring technology to their 1,250-cow herd last year, dairyman Hidde Osinga from Overwhere Dairy is using collar-collected data to:

  • Find and treat compromised cows sooner

  • Catch silent heats 

  • Capture 15 percentage points on conception rate

Find out how his team has learned to trust the system, and hear about Hidde’s excitement for the future of dairying in this episode, part of the High-Performance Mindset Series, powered  by Nedap. 

Listen to this episode with Hidde Osinga from Overwhere Dairy

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


100 | 4 Miles, Every 4 Hours for 48 Hours with Tommy Oesch, Swisslane Farms and Clare Alderink, Ryzebol Dairy 


98 | Soybeans are Getting Crushed, Texas Dairy Cows Under the Weather: HighGround Dairy March Monthly Market Update