The Power of One Word Featuring Eliza Ruzic, Zinpro

Here on the Uplevel Dairy Podcast, we are kicking off 2024 with a series each day this week, revisiting our guests from last year who shared their "one word" for 2023. Get ready to get into the minds and the hearts of these dairy leaders whom I also call friends, to hear how their one word transformed 2023, and the word they have chosen to live by in 2024!

And our guest today pushed her mindset to new levels - with big changes in her work life, personal life, and community service. How did Eliza Ruzic from Zinpro persevere through 2023? Let’s find out!

Listen to this episode with Eliza Ruzic from Zinpro

Make sure to tune in tomorrow to catch Jessica Pralle Trimner’s One Word for 2024!

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The Power of One Word Featuring Jessica Pralle Trimner, Miltrim Farms


The Power of One Word Featuring Travis Speirs, Shiloh Dairy