020 | 9 Years Without a No-Call, No-Show Employee with Brett Barlass

As a dairy manager for 15 years at Yosemite Jerseys in Hilmar, California, Brett Barlass found ways to engage and motivate a team of employees to want to show up - in fact, he went 9 years without a no-call, no-show employee.

And since the acquisition of Yosemite Jerseys by California Dairy Farms, Larry & Jenifer Matos & John Melo, in January, 2022, Brett has been charged with a new task: replicating that same culture and results from Yosemite across 6 dairy sites with 19,000 cows and 200 employees. Find out how he is doing it.

What you’ll learn:

  • Feedback and annual reviews that boost employee buy in

  • 5 a.m. team meetings with ice breakers and electronic dance music

  • The 9 things employees need from a manager

  • Getting employees to care

Listen to this episode with Brett Barlass, Dairy Manager of Yosemite Jerseys

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


‘It’s a fine day’ to be a Dairy Manager


019 | Nedap Power Play: Matt Heisner talks about Smart Flow