016 | Switching From Sand Bedding to Dry Manure Solids and Bringing in a Non-family Business Partner

If you are looking for ways to better manage dried manure solids for bedding, or what it could look like to bring a non-family partner into your dairy farming business, you are in the right place, because our guest today is successfully doing both. We sit down with Jeremy Natzke, a fifth-generation dairyman and partner in Wayside Dairy near Greenleaf, Wis., to talk about the switch from sand to dried solids and the new business partnership for this dairy that includes 2,100 cows, 1,600 replacements and more than 30 employees.

What you’ll learn:

  • The biggest challenges of converting from sand to dried solids

  • Finding the sweet spot for removing sand and introducing solids

  • The game-changing tool for leveling stalls and getting cows to lay down

  • Keeping milk quality in line

  • Bringing in a non-family business partner

BONUS: Want to see Jeremy’s stall leveler in action? Check out the bonus video on the Uplevel Dairy YouTube channel.

This episode is sponsored by Uplevel Dairy Podcast Founding Partner Adisseo

Adisseo is a global leader in nutritional solutions and the premier provider of rumen-protected methionine for dairy producers who want to optimize milk production, capture more value from components and maintain the health of their high-performing herds.

Listen to this episode with Jeremy Natzke, Partner of Wayside Dairy

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Connect with Peggy: peggy@upleveldairy.com


Biosolids and Business: How to prepare for a successful transition


People Over Processes